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Our Commitment to Quality

WATEK Engineering is owned and managed by licensed engineers who have extensive experience in designing water and wastewater facilities. Our engineers direct and perform work on all our projects thereby providing the best possible service to our Clients. Because our projects are managed from a practicing engineer's perspective, we have a vested interest in the successful completion of each and every one of our projects.

Since Quality Assurance is WATEK’s primary focus, internal quality control audits and reviews are performed regularly and feedback from our Clients on our performance is highly valued.

It is our policy to identify our Client's goals, needs and requirements, and prepare submittals that not only meet the Client's criteria, but also our own stringent quality control standards. Our strict policies regarding the quality of project performance and deliverables has resulted in the successful completion of hundreds of small and large scale projects on time and within project budget.

A good measure of engineering and design accuracy is a comparison of the engineer's construction cost estimate with the project bids, total project cost and change orders. WATEK team members are proud of their cost projections and preparation of contract documents that are clear and quantifiable.  A summary of recent projects shows that WATEK engineer's estimates are within an impressive 10% of the bid averages and the total project costs.  Equally impressive is the change order summary indicating that the change orders for our recent projects are all under 4% of the total project cost.

WATEK's reputation for reliability can be seen in our number of repeat clients. WATEK has a reference list of over 20 clients who have selected us for multiple projects. WATEK has Open End agreement contracts with several major local water agencies.

WATEK engineers have been and always will be committed to putting their clients first, giving their projects the personal attention they deserve. Our staff fully understands that occasionally projects may require working overtime for preparing unscheduled submittals and performing tasks during non-working hours. They will get compensation and performance bonuses for their extra efforts.

We encourage you to contact any of our client references and ask them about their experience with WATEK Engineering Corporation.

We are a fully insured Consulting Engineering Firm with a spotless record in terms of claims, Zero Claims!

WATEK Engineering carries professional liability protection against Errors and Omissions in the amount of $1,000,000 and general liability coverage in the amount of $2,000,000. Additional indemnification can be provided if required by the project. 

Commitment to Quality
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